TransFIRe Mid Term Review Workshop

On the 2 November 2022, the university partners of the Transfire team met up in Peterborough to discuss progress at the 18 month stage; half way through the 3 year project. It was great to meet up with everyone in person particularly as, as the project started during Covid, it has been harder than usual to get to know everyone on the project. Principal Investigator, Professor Mark Jolly, kicked off the day by welcoming everyone. It was great to have the tremendous industry expertise of our Transfire project and steering group Chairs Jon Bolton and Paul Booth CBE at the day with us. Jon was formerly Chair of British Steel and Director of Tata Steel and is currently Chair of the Materials Processing Institute. Paul has been a Director at ICI, has sat on many industry boards and is currently President of the Society for the Chemical Industry. Jon [...]

By |2022-12-08T12:30:25+00:00December 8th, 2022|

UK Metals Expo: 14-15 September 2022

The UK Metal EXPO 2022 UK Metals Expo | 14-15 September 2022 | NEC  was held in Birmingham a few days after the sad passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The expo was the first time the entire sector was both represented and brought together entirely at the NEC, Birmingham; from primary metal manufacture, supply chain management, processing metals, fabrication, surface coatings and recycling along with UKRI, BEIS, industry experts, leading vendors, innovators and academic researchers    Jo Stansfield, Mike Thakoordin and I, EDI - Transfire ( spent most of the day speaking to exhibitors and attending talks at the Skills, Training & Strategy Theatre, which had an overarching agenda on: ‘Workforce of the Future – The need for green skills, digital skills & attracting talent’. At the ‘Future skills, upskilling and reskilling: Lifelong learning in the metal sector’ talk, we listened to the UK Metal Council panel who [...]

By |2022-12-06T09:53:36+00:00October 12th, 2022|