9-13 May 2022
Foundation Industry Forum
Bringing together a broad range of foundation industries’ stakeholders to gather insight in the major challenges for their transformation, evaluate progress made so far and prioritise next steps for research and innovation from the perspective of academic and industry stakeholders. Present and discuss dynamics in policy, regulation, economy and society that affect the transformation of foundation industries.

25th May & 9th June 2022
Industry Symbiosis workshop, facilitated by ISL
This event aims to support industrial symbiosis between companies in the foundation industries with the following objectives:
1. Identifying underutilised resources in their widest sense, such as wastes, by-products, heat, equipment, space, etc. from the participating companies, and companies who could make use of these resources.
2. Identifying potential industrial symbioses for research within TransFIRe, for research and innovation in other funded projects and/or for direct commercial implementation.

3 February 2022
EDT community event
Meet the Engineering Development Trust (EDT) & Industrial Cadets team in this interactive webinar and find out how you can support young people across the UK by 1) connecting them with Industry, 2) supporting them to build critical technical and employability skills and 3) Providing them with the confidence to succeed.

23 October 2021
Bradford science festival
TransFIRe exhibited at the Science Festival in Bradford at the National Science and Media Museum, in the city centre and, for the first time, at community venues across Bradford district. The TransFIRe team brought the subject to life with a series of boxes that expressed the volume of carbon emissions associated with 100 grams of food items regularly found in a roast dinner. Parents and kids wrote hundreds of pledges to reduce resource use.

6 October 2021
TransFIRe launch
Official launch of TransFIRe followed by a Transforming Foundation Industries (TFI) conference on resource efficiency and circular economy.
- Vision and strategic objectives of TransFIRe
- How TransFIRe fits into the ‘bigger’ ISCF TFI challenge
- How the objectives will be delivered together with our project partners
- Your views on the challenges that TransFIRe could best support you with.

25 August 2021
Hull Gaia
TransFIRe exhibited at the Gaia exhibition in the Hull Minster as part of the Freedom Festival. Over 8,000 visitors saw the TransFIRe display about carbon emissions from resource use. The TransFIRe team brought the subject to life in Hull with a series of boxes that expressed the volume of carbon emissions associated with 100 grams of food items regularly found in a roast dinner. The display also included balloons sized to the amount of carbon emitted for the production of everyday items made from foundation materials, such as a teaspoon, shot glass and espresso cup.