Cranfield University
Professor Mark Jolly
Director of TransFIRe and the Manufacturing Theme at Cranfield. He is Professor of Manufacturing at Cranfield University which comprises about 120 staff (~55 FTE academics), some 200 FTE MSc students and more than 120 PhD/EngD Researchers with a turnover of about £16 M p.a. funded by EPSRC, EU, TSB and industry.
Professor Konstantinos Salonitis
Deputy Director of TransFIRe and Head of Sustainable Manufacturing Systems Centre and the Deputy Director of the Manufacturing Theme at Cranfield. Professor Konstantions Salonitis is a visiting professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) and Jiangsu University.
Bangor University
Dr Simon Curling
Simon is a senior research scientist at the Biocomposites Centre at Bangor University in North Wales, having previously worked at Edinburgh Napier University, the USDA Forest Products Laboratory in Wisconsin USA and at Imperial College in London. He has over 20 years of research experience…
British Geological Survey
Cardiff University
Professor Rossi Setchi
Rossi is Professor in High-Value Manufacturing and the Founding Director and Principal Investigator of the Research Centre in AI, Robotics and Human-Machine Systems (IROHMS) at Cardiff, which currently involves over 55 academics…
Durham University
Professor Sue Black
A multi award winning Computer Scientist, Technology Evangelist and Digital Skills Expert, Professor Sue Black was awarded an OBE for “services to technology” in the 2016 Queen’s New Year’s Honours list.
Northumbria University Newcastle
Sheffield Hallam University
University of Exeter
Professor Shaowei Zhang
Prof. Shaowei Zhang joins Exeter from Sheffield where he has worked for 14 years as a postdoctoral research associate, an EPSRC advanced fellow and a member of academic staff. Before joining Sheffield, he had been at Nagoya, Japan for 5 years both as a PhD student and a member of academic staff.
Dr Ahmed Khalil
Ahmed is a postdoctoral research fellow with a chemical engineering background, working on the TransFIRe at the College of Engineering, Mathematics, and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter (UoE). Since 2014, he has been working in the field of (nano)material synthesis and have developed…